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Does sleeping on a Japanese futon make it easier to fall asleep?

If you want to sleep comfortably without back pain, you're considering trying a Japanese futon on the floor.

In the past, humans slept on the floor without using beds like today, which had positive effects on the body's structure and alignment of various bones. Therefore, many countries still prefer sleeping on Japanese futons, especially in Japan where futons or 'futon' have been used for a long time.

However, whether sleeping on a Japanese futon makes it easier to fall asleep depends on various factors, such as personal health, comfort, and daily lifestyle practices.

In general, back pain may arise from sleeping on surfaces that are too soft or mattresses that are not suitable. Sleeping on a Japanese futon floor may help create better balance for the body and provide a cooler feeling, as warm air rises while cooler air settles close to the floor. Therefore, sleeping closer to the ground can feel cooler and more comfortable. This is particularly suitable for Thailand, where Japanese futons can ventilate well, especially in hot and humid climates, contributing to comfortable sleep during the hot season.

Moreover, Mochi Futon, a Japanese-designed and imported futon, is known for its soft comfort and excellent support for posture, ensuring a light and convenient experience.

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